Acid Berlin


Your shop for 1S-LSD & CBD – Acid Berlin

Treat yourself to our legal LSD and have an unforgettable summer. With our legal and laboratory-tested 1S-LSD, nothing stands in the way of your psychedelic journey of discovery.

Bag with 1S-LSD Blotter


Over 3 years of experience

Thanks to our experience for over 3 years, we can offer you reliable and high-quality products at a fair price.

Laboratory tested quality

Our manufacturers of LSD and CBD regularly check the purity and quality of the products using special chemical processes so that you can research without worry.

Maximum customer discretion

The packages from our online shop are absolutely neutral and will be sent to you discreetly. No customer account is required during the ordering process.

All products are 100% legal

1S-LSD is not subject to the narcotics law in Germany. It can be legally purchased and used as a research chemical.

More than 3 years experience

Thanks to our experience for over 3 years, we can offer you reliable and high-quality products at a fair price.

Laboratory tested quality

Our manufacturers of LSD and CBD regularly check the purity and quality of the products using special chemical processes so that you can research without worry.

Maximum customer discretion

The packages from our online shop are absolutely neutral and will be sent to you discreetly. No customer account is required during the ordering process.

All products are 100% legal

1S-LSD is not subject to the narcotics law in Germany. It can be legally purchased and used as a research chemical.


Acid Berlin in numbers

1243 Tage

also, mehr als 3 Jahre Erfahrung


Bestellungen aus DE

22120 Meter

Recycling Papierklebeband

1243 Tage

Erfahrung. Das sind über drei Jahre. Deutlich erfahrener am Markt als unsere Konkurrenz.


Bestellungen zeigen das Vertrauen und die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden.

22120 Meter

So viel nachhaltiges Papierklebeband haben wir bereits für euch verklebt.


What our customers say:

Edward W.

Hello, I am very satisfied with the product and will be ordering again soon.
I can definitely recommend it if you're thinking about ordering. Fast delivery and also very nice customer service.

Sven G.

The product is really great. The little blue ones are easy to dose. The cardboard has exactly the right thickness. The red pill is really, really… really intense at 225!
But cool 😍
Anyone who likes it hard will love it...

Marjorie O.

Fast and discreet delivery.
Not necessarily recommended for pure beginners, as relevant literature, forums and, based on my own experience, recommend a lower entry level.
But it has its effect. Helped me cope better with my depression and trauma. Thank you for that!


Hi, I got it on August 15th. ordered on August 17th. my test bundle was already there 👍
Since it had been 12 years since my last acid, I thought I'd better start with the micros....I gradually picked all 10 of them from 5-6:30 p.m., and from around 7:30 p.m. I was fully into them Travel, a mega color spectrum, extreme visual effects and hours later, I had fled to bed because all 10 were probably too much for me, and from then on it really took off again: for the first time I had noise hallus, everything was full of fog like dry ice and there were threads everywhere 😂
I can definitely recommend the product, it is completely worth the money, have fun researching 😍👌


frequently asked Questions

Is 1S-LSD legal in Germany?

Yes, it is. The Narcotics Act (BtMG), the New Psychoactive Substances Act (NpSG) and the Medicines Act (AMG) also do not prohibit 1S-LSD. (as of June 20, 2024)

What is the difference between legal 1S-LSD and illegal LSD?

In contrast to conventional LSD, 1S-LSD is a linear molecule, which is created by an additional group of molecules at the connection. Nevertheless, the two chemicals are almost identical.

Are CBD flowers really legal?

Yes, CBD is legal in Germany. It is a non-psychoactive substance and therefore does not fall under the Narcotics Act. The European Court of Justice also made this clear with its ruling from November 2020 (ECJ, November 19, 2020 - C-663/18). In Austria and Germany as well as throughout the EU there is a THC limit of 0.2% that can legally appear in any hemp product.

What quality do the CBD flowers have?

Our producer states that he expects a purity of at least 97%. However, the purity is usually higher and often reaches a value of 99%.

How can I pay?

When placing your order, you can choose between advance payment, bank transfer and real-time transfer/immediate transfer.


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* Pflichtfeld