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Nachweisbarkeit 1D-LSD

Detectability 1D-LSD


How long is 1D-LSD detectable?

The question of whether 1D-LSD can be detected is probably something every consumer asks, even if there are various reasons for this. The main reason for many will be the question: What happens if I am stopped by the police and my urine is examined?
In the following blog post you will learn everything you need to know about the detectability of 1D-LSD and the various detection methods.

1D-LSD and its properties

1D-LSD is a derivative of the legendary LSD. Users of this substance report identical effects to the original. The only difference between the two substances is that the chemical structure of 1D-LSD has been slightly changed. This is also the reason why it is legal in Germany. Remember: what is not illegal is legal!
We will explain the exact chemical composition, the effect of the product and much more in future blog entries. So stay tuned and visit us regularly 😉.

What methods can be used to detect 1D-LSD?

There are various reasons for being tested for residues in the body. In this blog post, we would like to name the most common reasons and shed light on the implementation and accuracy of the test methods.
The most common reason for testing is related to a police measure. This usually involves a urine test, usually on the spot.

Urine test

You will be asked to urinate into a cup. A sample will be taken from this and analyzed on site using a test kit. Your advantage: In the classic police tests, they do not even test for LSD, which is why it is more than unlikely that this test will prove that you have consumed the drug.

Blood test

If a blood test is required, you have nothing to fear at first, just like with a urine test. Here, too, the standard test is for more common drugs such as cannabis, cocaine or amphetamines, and not directly for LSD.
However, you should note that if you are specifically looking for LSD, it can also be found through a blood test. However, these tests are atypical and are usually not carried out without reason.

Hair examination

Here, too, LSD is not searched for without a specific reason. However, if the authorities have a reason, a small strand of hair is removed from near the scalp, cleaned and prepared. This is then analyzed in the laboratory. It should be noted that the detection time in hair is significantly longer than with other test methods.

How accurate are these methods?

Considering that in most cases no LSD is tested for at all, the type of test must also be taken into account. A urine test is often less accurate than a blood test. The hair test is the most accurate of these and can also detect consumption over the long term. Other factors that play a role are the sensitivity of the tests and whether samples are altered by external influences.

How long is 1D-LSD detectable?

The detectability of 1D-LSD and classic LSD is very similar. The advantage of consuming this substance is that we consume it in very small doses. This fact makes it much more difficult to detect residues.
In a blood test, residues can only be detected for 12 hours. In urine, they can usually be detected for around 72 hours. An exception to this is for regular "hard users", where something can still be found in the urine up to 3 months after the last consumption. Hair samples, which are analyzed in the laboratory, are considered the most long-term detection method. This can detect consumption several months later.
There are many factors that influence detectability. In addition to individual factors such as metabolism and frequency of consumption, the increase in water, the dose when consumed and the possible correlation with other substances also play an essential role.
In general, very similar values ​​and factors apply here as for the detectability of classic LSD, about which you can find out more on the web, for example at

Is 1D-LSD microdosing detectable?

One of the most important factors in the detectability of 1D-LSD is the dosage. As the name suggests, microdosing involves consuming a very small dose. Since a "normal" dose of 100mcg is already very difficult to detect, microdosing is even more complicated. This involves a dose of less than 30mcg, which is simply not detected in most tests because it is so small.

What is the legal situation regarding 1D-LSD? [As of 03/2024]

Since 1D-LSD is not listed in the Narcotics Act (BtMG), the New Psychoactive Substances Act (NpSG) or the Medicines Act (AMG), possession of this derivative is currently (as of February 2024) legal. In a possible urine or blood test, for example during a police operation, it is more than unlikely that consumption can be proven. In most cases, LSD is not even looked for and even if it is, the conventional tests are not sensitive enough and "miss" the small doses. Nevertheless, we would advise against taking part in road traffic under the influence of substances, as these can significantly affect your ability to drive.

1D-LSD at Acid Berlin

You can find exact dosages and the best quality products in our shop at Acid Berlin. In addition to the classic 1D-LSD blotters and the 1D-AL-LAD blotters, we also offer our Microdose and Extradose pellets and our dropper bottle. Everything is 100% legal and laboratory tested.
Discretion when purchasing is of course important to us, which is why you can pay conveniently online and your order will be delivered to your desired address within a few days in handy and discreet packaging.


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